Category Archives: Uncategorized

These are the posts that don’t really fit into the other categories. Welcome to the land of misfit toys.


I stopped writing. I’ve had too much to process. The past year has been a whirlwind of events and emotions. The past year has felt like 10 years. Here are some sentences about what I’ve been up to in chronological


I stopped writing. I’ve had too much to process. The past year has been a whirlwind of events and emotions. The past year has felt like 10 years. Here are some sentences about what I’ve been up to in chronological

Another year

It’s the first day of the first trimester of 2015. Noon. I stare at myself in my makeshift capulana-framed mirror. I look tired. I’ve decided to forego makeup this summer. Beads of sweat have formed on my upper lip. There’s

Another year

It’s the first day of the first trimester of 2015. Noon. I stare at myself in my makeshift capulana-framed mirror. I look tired. I’ve decided to forego makeup this summer. Beads of sweat have formed on my upper lip. There’s

A weekend in paradise

Once upon a time, three Peace Corps volunteers from the mato, Mapinhane got to spend a weekend in a private lodge on a beautiful resort island, for free.

A weekend in paradise

Once upon a time, three Peace Corps volunteers from the mato, Mapinhane got to spend a weekend in a private lodge on a beautiful resort island, for free.

How to sprain your ankle in Moçambique

Here’s how it happened: I was tchilaring with my amigos at a local bar, partaking of conversation and fresh air since the $1.50 beer is a little pricey for my Peace Corps budget, when I noticed the sun had set

How to sprain your ankle in Moçambique

Here’s how it happened: I was tchilaring with my amigos at a local bar, partaking of conversation and fresh air since the $1.50 beer is a little pricey for my Peace Corps budget, when I noticed the sun had set


For those of you who are unaware, this super fun-to-say word actually stands for “Do I look like I give a fart.” Fart also stands for another word. I was introduced to this lovely expression my senior year of college,


For those of you who are unaware, this super fun-to-say word actually stands for “Do I look like I give a fart.” Fart also stands for another word. I was introduced to this lovely expression my senior year of college,

A break from the Mondays

The past few Mondays in my life have been intense. The first one, I started teaching a new class. The second one, I lost an incredible, life-long friend. The most recent one, I got my invitation to join the Peace

A break from the Mondays

The past few Mondays in my life have been intense. The first one, I started teaching a new class. The second one, I lost an incredible, life-long friend. The most recent one, I got my invitation to join the Peace

There will be no answers

I’ve been talking in a lot of circles recently, trying to make sense of what happened. Monday, in the middle of my work-day, my best friend called. I figured she had the day off and forgot that I have a

There will be no answers

I’ve been talking in a lot of circles recently, trying to make sense of what happened. Monday, in the middle of my work-day, my best friend called. I figured she had the day off and forgot that I have a

Social satiety

It backfired. I am not cut out for this. Can I please curl up on my side after a good long shivasana in a warm yoga studio and stay there for a couple days? I need to recharge my batteries.

Social satiety

It backfired. I am not cut out for this. Can I please curl up on my side after a good long shivasana in a warm yoga studio and stay there for a couple days? I need to recharge my batteries.

Do something!

You guys. I just bought a plane ticket… to Switzerland. As soon as I pressed the “purchase ticket” button, I had a moment – is this real life? Yes, Sarah. It is. I will be backpacking through Europe for two

Do something!

You guys. I just bought a plane ticket… to Switzerland. As soon as I pressed the “purchase ticket” button, I had a moment – is this real life? Yes, Sarah. It is. I will be backpacking through Europe for two

Letters and scones

Is there anything better than getting mail? I declare that there is not. Whether it is a sweet letter from a dear friend, a surprise gift, or an envelope filled with pictures of otters and inspirational poetry – getting mail

Letters and scones

Is there anything better than getting mail? I declare that there is not. Whether it is a sweet letter from a dear friend, a surprise gift, or an envelope filled with pictures of otters and inspirational poetry – getting mail